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Web Design
Mobile Internet
Brand Design


Date:2012-07-23 Aource:尚品中國 Type:網站百科
Word Size:small  medium  big

General enterprise web site common factor is a bad use flash as a web design home page content. Flash is good-looking, but can't deliver more value to the customer information, the most important point, it can't yet a grab for spiders accepted; Besides sometimes beautiful flash is not smooth appeared in the customer presence. If you must use flash as a web design of the home page content, the proposal can strictly control the size and implanted in flash valuable information content.

網站的title部分只有一個公司名稱,如果不是知名大企業,搜索公司名稱的客戶會有多少呢?比如尚品中國網站建設服務商不是大企業,只能把關鍵詞北京網站建設計寫出來。這個網站所以說在網站建設過程中合理的布置以主打產品為核心內容的關鍵字是重中之重。網站關鍵字選擇,不能太過于貪心,選擇過于熱門的關鍵字或者過分追求關鍵字密度只會把自己帶入誤區,深陷無法排名的苦海之中,不如從小區域做起,慢慢積累。 導航要么千篇一律,沒有絲毫新意;要么千奇百怪,讓人無法理解;專業網站的網站導航設計應該站在客戶和企業的角度之上綜合進行考慮。
Website only one part sure that your title company name, if not famous enterprise, the search company name customers will have how many? Such as shang pin China website construction service provider is not big enterprise, can only put keywords Beijing website construction plan write it out. This website so said in the website construction process and reasonable decorate with main products for the core content of the key word is the top priority. Web site key word choice, cannot too too greedy, choose too popular key word or seeking too much keyword density will only make yourself into the error, deep in the ranking of water cannot, as from the area, starts slowly accumulation. Navigation either waking, not a new idea; Either novelties, let a person can't understand; Professional web site navigation design should stand in the customer and the point of view of the enterprise comprehensive considering above.

First: the enterprise website LOGO image and product pictures no corresponding Alt tag.

The second: banner part can be read too little information, wasted space bigger advertising position used to place some and company's products and services irrelevant information.

Third: website information to further strengthen the bottom set, can be set bottom navigation and the bottom key word even website copyright information, information and so on can be further proves that the record site theme and confirmed the legality of the website information.

Fourth: website internal links tectonic against customer experience remained to be improved.

Fifth: website construction after finished uploading no record update or update the content without the quality guarantee, no law to speak of.

Have observation, have summary will have improved, website traffic statistical tools is any one website construction is one of necessary tools, but some enterprise website construction but often ignored it.

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