Based on the methodology of refining
先放出一張我在設計過程中提煉的網站設計思維完整的流程圖 案例中的整個設計規劃過程也基于該圖的階段過程展開,本文范圍主要針對概念到定義頁面的這部分。
First released a I in the design process of refining design thinking of the whole flow chart of complete case design planning process is also based on the stage on such process, this paper mainly aimed at the concept definition to the scope of this part of the page.

上圖可以看出我們的SEO整個轉化過程涉及產品從概念到元素的始終 不同階段的側重點和目的各不相同,且每個階段的轉化節點都基于客觀實際的實線關聯,以保證由始至終的需求 轉化不失真。
Above can see our whole transformation process involving products from concept to elements of the different stages and the emphasis of the always purpose each are not identical, and each stage of the transformation based on the objective reality of the node is solid line association, to ensure that the needs of the steps into not distortion.
以此來看,整個設計過程就是一個不斷 Zoom in(放大聚焦)的過程,基于用戶本源需求不斷具體化。在驗證我們的設計是否符合目標的時候,我們也需要不斷的 Zoom out(縮小), 從更整體視角去俯視。
This view, the whole design process is a constantly Zoom in (enlarge focus) process, based on the user's specific needs constant source. In the design of the test we compliance with that goal, we also need to constantly Zoom out (narrow), from more whole perspective to look down at.
Next we began to see the design process.
OK, we first see the users of the main behavior in foreign trade, the needs of the user basic concept is?
Below you can see, buyers and sellers to agree on the first order intention, and buyers to get the goods, sell the home to get the money, thus completing the foreign trade the entire process, our website service is also based on the open mode.

基于外貿專家提供的一些依據 我們以外貿過程中的用戶行為建立起對應的產品用戶行為概念模型,這樣以來用戶在整個過程中,主路徑、任務目標就非常清晰了,交互設計后續 展開有了基本骨架。
Based on the foreign trade experts offer some basis in the process of foreign trade to our user behavior established the corresponding product user behavior conceptual model, since such users in the whole process, the path, the task is very clear goal, interactive design follow-up on a basic skeleton.

對應上圖的純用戶行為視角,再稍微細化一下,把他轉化為產品的用戶行為流程圖 把抽象的信息結構化 比如 上圖中報價只是一個箭頭表示信息流買家 而實際的網站行為中, 報價需要買家主動去查看。所以該行為被結構化成一個標準網站行為術語“查看”。整體著 眼,我們可以觀察到不同用戶的目標,行為,產生的信息,以及之間的關聯和流向。
Corresponding to the pure user behavior perspective, again a little bit a refined, put him into a product the user behavior the flow chart of abstract information such as the diagram above offer is structured a buyer and the actual flow arrow said the website behavior, quotation need buyers initiative to check. So this behavior is structure into a standard term "view" website behavior. The whole eye, we can observe different users' goals, behavior, produce information, as well as the relationship between the and flow direction.

回顧剛才的這個過程,會發現,我們的交互設計 就是一個不斷基于需求的一個推導過程,在這個過程中,每個細化過程都基于上一步的清晰目標開展,環環相扣。這樣的方法可以讓我們設計的每個步驟都有系統化的支撐,不會偏離主要的目標。
Review of this process just now, will find that our interaction design is a constant demand based on a derivation process, in this process, each refining process based on the clear goals in one step, linked together. This method can let us every step of the design are systematic support, not deviate from the main goal.