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Web Design
Mobile Internet
Brand Design


Date:2012-07-28 Aource:尚品中國 Type:網站百科
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一般說來,URL中包含關鍵詞對網站優化確實會有所幫助。 不過從品牌效果考慮, 用品牌名稱做域名應該是比較合適的。 不要走急功近利誤區。獨立域名更能獲得搜索引擎的認可。調查顯示:大多數搜索引擎排名時對那些不具備獨立域名的網站賦予較小的“重要性”。
Generally speaking, the URL contains keywords to site optimization really can help. But from the brand effect consider, supplies, PaiMing called domain name should be more appropriate. Don't go get rich quick erroneous zone. Domain names more to the search engine's approval. Survey: most of the search engine rankings for those who do not have independently when domain name to the website smaller "importance".

網站優化的目的是用合理的手段(不是作弊),對網站源代碼進行優化,使之對搜索引擎更友好,更符合排名規則一個站點的排名70%是靠網站優化做到的網站優化內容著力點 :網站結構分析/優化;關鍵詞分析;客戶競爭對手分析;
The purpose of the site optimization is to use reasonable means (not cheating), to optimize website source code, make to the search engine more friendly, more in line with a site's ranking rules ranked by 70% is optimized your site do website optimization content focus: website structure analysis/optimization; Key words analysis; Customer analysis of competitors;

網站優化效果四項指標衡量:在搜索引擎中關鍵詞排名; 在Alexa全球排名; PR值或外部連接數量; 目標人群的到達率;(注意不是泛泛的PV)
Website optimization effect four measures: in the search engine rankings keywords; Alexa rankings in global; The PR value or external connection quantity; The target population reached; (note that not broad PV)

Website optimization is the optimization of the foundation work web page, the optimization of the web page content covers:

Title (title), what you choose to use the keywords (generally is best three keywords).

Meta tags, this includes, keyword, description, generator, robots, Progid, etc.

Pictures of Alt tag, use less as far as possible flash and pictures (personal thought, but a beautiful degree can be properly).

To have reasonable web design structure, less with JV scripting language, don't use the layer.

External links (text links), don't go to link the factory.

Website optimization don't stare at every day rankings, which is very tired, do the content on the website (content is the most important). Site optimization process is not ranking in a straight line, the reality show more is actually the ranking ups and downs, but this is very normal. Because is process. Website optimization is not cheating, also is not simple to repeal of key words. Why some SEO programmer can quickly make keywords optimization good?

是因為他們手頭上有很多的網站的FTP帳號和密碼(這些是很重要的因素),而且他們手頭上有很多PR值高的網站,在這么多的網站上掛個鏈接,簡單的做下網站優化效果就出來了。稍留意下,我們會驚奇于有些網站:網站做的不成“網”形,PR值卻同時高的要死,這些都是SEO的“幕后杰作”。網站優化需要一個過程,比如說你時間長了,手上的FTP帳號多了,認識的朋友也多了,那么你鏈接就會有質量了。Google 每年進行的 10 次常規更新和不時出現的算法升級有很大一部分是由于受到了SEO 行業研究的啟發。
Because they have a lot of web site FTP account and password (these are very important factors), and they have a lot of the PR value high site, in so many web site a link, simple do the next web site optimization effect came out. A little attention to, we will be amazed by some sites: web site do no "nets" form, the PR value while high death, these are the SEO "behind the scenes masterpiece". Website optimization needs a process, for example you for a long time, hand FTP account many, know a friend also many, then you link will have quality. Google each year for 10 times the regular update and upgrade the algorithm is shown a big part of the SEO industry is due to research of inspiration.

SEO 的真正含義應該是 “對網頁進行優化,以使其對搜索引擎更加友好 ” 。
SEO's true meaning should be "of web optimization, in order to make it to the search engine more friendly".

現在所有的搜索引擎,包括 Google 在內,都有一個難以消化的問題 —— 對動態網站的接受能力不夠。
Now all the search engine, including Google inside, there is a difficult to digest issues-on dynamic website accept ability is not enough.

知道了什么是對 Google“ 不友好 ” 的,就可以大致找到對 Google“ 友好 ” 的辦法: 通過甚重選擇關鍵字、外部鏈接、錨文本以及合理安排頁面元素的搭配,優化網站的底層結構,盡量多采用靜態頁面技術,少用甚至不用動態頁面技術,減少不必要的腳本程序等,就可以從技術層面初步達到對搜索引擎 “ 友好 ” 的目的。
Know what is on Google "unfriendly", can find for roughly Google "friendly" measures: through heavy choose what keyword, and external links, anchor text and reasonable arrangement of elements of the page is tie-in, optimize the underlying structure of a web site, try to use more static page technology, less with don't even need to dynamic pages technology, reduce unnecessary scripts to wait, can from the technical level of the search engine to preliminary "friendly" purposes.

要想達到SEO 的終極目標 —— 排在相關關鍵詞查詢結果的首位,最重要的還需要網站內容的配合。短期內提高排名對一個內容很差的網站是沒有任何意義的,因為 Google 的算法現在更新的頻率非常快.Google 的目的就是要 “ 找到人們最需要的東西 ” ,所以網站優化的最根本辦法就是,讓你的網站確實成為人們最需要的網站。
To achieve the ultimate goal of SEO-row in the related key words inquires the first results, the most important of the content on the website also need to cooperate. The short term boost ranking to a content is very poor site is meaningless, because Google's algorithm is now the frequency of updates very fast. Google's purpose is to "find people need the most thing", so the website optimization of the most fundamental way is, make your site really become the people need most web sites.

所有搜索引擎 的目的都是一樣的,都是幫用戶找到最合適的網站,所以豐富網站內容的重要性無論如何強調都不為過。
All search engines of the purpose is the same, is to help users find the most suitable web sites, so the importance of rich website content cannot be overemphasized.

Google 目前的算法公式已經升級過無數次,其中涉及的變量甚至會有 300 多個, PageRank 只是其中最著名的一個而已。說道底,對于網站優化而言。真正重點還是把內容做好,把你的用戶粘在你的網站,你的用戶將不斷的積累,流量大了,對GOOGLE排名最有用。
Google the algorithm has been upgraded formula numerous times, involving variable or even more than 300, is one of the most famous PageRank a just. The bottom of the said, for the website for optimization. Real focus or the content well, put your users stick in your website, your users will be accumulated ceaselessly, large flow, GOOGLE ranking of the most useful.

點擊越多越好嗎?不盡然。要考慮誰在看你的網頁。這是至關重要的問題。必須是你的目標訪問者才有用。 吸引目標訪問者,需要選擇好登錄搜索引擎的關鍵詞、加入分類目錄時選擇好目錄及子目錄。過多的_JavaScript代碼統一放到一個.js文件中。搜索引擎不會讀_JavaScript代碼。使用簡單的表格,不要過度使用表格,或表格中嵌套表格,這樣最容易出現HTML錯誤。 使用CSS樣式表統一字體,而不要過多使用HTML字體標簽。
Click on the more the better? Not exactly. Want to consider who is reading your web pages. This is the question. Must be your target visitors are only useful. Attract targeted visitors, need to choose a good login search engine key words, to join classified catalogue choice when the directory and subdirectories. Too much _JavaScript code in a unified. Js file. The search engines don't read _JavaScript code. Use simple form, do not excessive use of form, or form nested form, so most prone to HTML error. Use CSS style sheets unified font, and don't use too much HTML font tags.

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