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Date:2012-08-14 Aource:尚品中國 Type:網站百科
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Beijing website construction company is still product China: do web domain name and website choice space is very important to everybody below the domain name and registered share buy space must pay attention to two questions.

A, how inquires IP has been search engine space punishment or be K:

The new website built later, find room for site must check the server IP is Google punished, or your site again good may be involved. How to check?

First, use this tool inquires domain name common orientation how much a IP: http://tool.chinaz.com/Same/ can find out how many domains pointing to the IP.

然后選擇其中一個域名,如www.londe303.com,然后在Google中輸入:site:www.londe303.com,看看Google收錄了多 少頁面,如果沒有收錄,可以再多檢查幾個域名,如果多數域名都沒被Google收錄,那么很有可能這臺服務器被Google處罰過了。如果這臺服務器上的 多數網站都被Google收錄的話,基本就可以放心使用了。
Then select one of the domain name, such as www.londe303.com, then in Google input: site: www.londe303.com, look at Google has included the much less page, if not included, can again check for several domain name, if most of the domain name is not Google included, it seems very likely, this server is Google punished. If the servers are most of the website Google included words, basic can be at ease use.

Second, how inquires domain was a search engine punishment or be K:

In our registered in a new domain name, need to see if be K, especially if it is Google and baidu K, because a domain name is K, even if something might also get long-term search engine effective included.

Three, so how to query a domain name is search engine punishment or be K for it?

1、通過 site: / link: 兩個搜索指令,查看該域名的收錄情況,如果收錄為0,但是外部連接很多,則此域名已經被K。
1, through the site: / link: two search instructions, check the domain is collected, if included for 0, but many external connection, the domain name has been K.

2, directly in the search engine input website address inquiries, if discover some results are complete in article contains the domain name, and the site is there, the domain name is may have been K. Have not possible, is search engine index and not immediately after release in search results.

3, by looking at history page web site, such as the world ranking web site to determine whether the domain is old domain name.

Many web traffic by baidu is over, but baidu stand out of the name you K is aware. Buy yourself a domain name but not be hard to do website baidu included before finally know is used the K domain name. So to teach a inquires if domain name shout loudly a web site do, whether be K methods.

A domain name, inquires if a web site

打開http://web.archive.org/web/ 輸入自己想要查詢的域名然后按Take Me Back
Open http://web.archive.org/web/ input your want the domain name and then press query Take Me Back

If a web site will have data display

Second, the domain name is K

Open the baidu, in baidu search column input domain: * * *. Com

如果有紀錄,而使用 site:***.com 無紀錄就說明域名被K了
If there is a record, and the use of site: * * *. Com no record suggests that domain was K

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