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Date:2012-10-24 Aource:尚品中國 Type:網站百科
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Usually development web design language which to have?

Commonly used with ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, that in addition to the use of the highest frequency and JAVA is JSP.

Leading web development language ASP detail

ASP是微軟(Microsoft)所開發的一種后臺腳本語言,它的語法和Visual BASIC類似,可以像SSI(Server Side Include)那樣把后臺腳本代碼內嵌到HTML頁面中。雖然ASP簡單易用,但是它自身存在著許多缺陷,最重要的就是安全性問題。目前在微軟的 .net 戰略中新推出的ASP.net 借鑒了Java技術的優點,使用C Sharp (C#) 語言作為ASP.net的推薦語言,同時改進了以前ASP的安全性差等缺點。但是,使用ASP/ASP.net仍有一定的局限性,因為從某種角度來說它們只能在微軟的 Windows NT/2000/XP + IIS的服務器平臺上良好運行(雖然像ChilliSoft提供了在UNIX/Linux上運行ASP的解決方案,但是目前ASP在UNIX/Linux上的應用可以說幾乎為0)。所以平臺的局限性和ASP自身的安全性限制了ASP的廣泛應用。
ASP is Microsoft ( Microsoft ) developed a backstage script language, its grammar and Visual similar to BASIC, like SSI ( Server Side Include ) as the backstage script code is embedded in the HTML page. Although ASP is simple and easy to use, but it itself has many defects, the most important is the safety problem. In the Microsoft .Net strategy in the new ASP.net from the advantages of Java technology, using C Sharp ( C# ) language as recommended by ASP.net language, and the improvement of the previous ASP security shortcomings. However, the use of ASP/ASP.net still has some limitations, because in some ways they can only be in the Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP + IIS server platform running well ( although like ChilliSoft provides the run on UNIX/Linux ASP solution, but the current ASP application on UNIX/Linux can say is almost 0). So the platform limitations and ASP itself safety limits the application of ASP.

The mainstream development language ASP.NET details

ASP.net是Microsoft.net的一部分,作為戰略產品,不僅僅是 Active Server Page (ASP) 的下一個版本;它還提供了一個統一的 Web 開發模型,其中包括開發人員生成企業級 Web 應用程序所需的各種服務。ASP.NET 的語法在很大程度上與 ASP 兼容,同時它還提供一種新的編程模型和結構,可生成伸縮性和穩定性更好的應用程序,并提供更好的安全保護。可以通過在現有 ASP 應用程序中逐漸添加 ASP.NET 功能,隨時增強 ASP 應用程序的功能。ASP.NET 是一個已編譯的、基于 .NET 的環境,可以用任何與 .NET 兼容的語言(包括 Visual Basic .NET、C# 和 JScript .NET.)創作應用程序。另外,任何 ASP.NET 應用程序都可以使用整個 .NET Framework。開發人員可以方便地獲得這些技術的優點,其中包括托管的公共語言運行庫環境、類型安全、繼承等等。ASP.NET 可以無縫地與 WYSIWYG HTML 編輯器和其他編程工具(包括 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET)一起工作。這不僅使得 Web 開發更加方便,而且還能提供這些工具必須提供的所有優點,包括開發人員可以用來將服務器控件拖放到 Web 頁的 GUI 和完全集成的調試支持。微軟為ASP.net設計了這樣一些策略:易于寫出結構清晰的代碼、代碼易于重用和共享、可用編譯類語言編寫等等,目的是讓程序員更容易開發出Web應用,滿足計算向Web轉移的戰略需要。
ASP.net is part of the Microsoft.net, as a strategic product, not just the Active Server Page ( ASP ) in the next version; it also provides a unified Web development model, including developers build enterprise Web applications for various services. ASP.NET syntax is largely compatible with ASP, at the same time, it also provides a new programming model and structure, can generate the scalability and stability better application, and to provide better security protection. Can be adopted in existing ASP applications to gradually add ASP.NET functionality, to enhance the functionality of ASP applications. ASP.NET is a compiled, based on the.NET environment, you can use any .NET compatible languages ( including Visual, Basic .NET C# and JScript .NET. ) authoring application. In addition, any ASP.NET application can use the .NET Framework. Developers can easily obtain the advantage of these techniques, including hosting a common language runtime environment, type safety, inheritance and so on. ASP.NET can seamlessly with WYSIWYG HTML editor and other programming tools ( including the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET ) work together. This not only made the Web development more convenient, but also can provide the tools must provide all of the advantages, including the development of personnel can be used to set the server controls onto the page Web GUI and fully integrated debugging support. Microsoft ASP.net for the design of some of these strategies: easy to write a clear structure code, code easy to reuse and share class, can be used to compile language and so on, the purpose is to let the programmer is more likely to develop Web applications, to meet the strategic need to transfer calculation Web.

Nowadays the mainstream Web server software is mainly composed of IIS or Apache. IIS ASP support and can only be run on Windows platform, Apache support PHP, CGI, JSP and can run on multiple platforms, although Apache is ranked first in the world to use Web server platform, but as everyone knows, Windows easy to use and famous, and thus occupy a lot of server market.

Leading web development language PHP detail

PHP 的全名非常有趣,它是一個巢狀的縮寫名稱——“PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”,打開縮寫還是縮寫。PHP是一種HTML 內嵌式的語言 (就像上面講的ASP那樣)。而 PHP 獨特的語法混合了C,Java,Perl以及 PHP 式的新語法。它可以比 CGI 或者 Perl 更快速地執行動態網頁。
PHP 's name is very interesting, it is a nested acronym name -- " PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor ", open the acronym or abbreviation. PHP is an embedded HTML language ( like the ASP. ). While PHP unique grammatical blend of C, Java, Perl and PHP type new grammar. It can be compared to CGI or Perl faster implementation of dynamic webpage.

PHP的源代碼完全公開,在 Open Source 意識抬頭的今天,它更是這方面的中流砥柱。不斷地有新的函數庫加入,以及不停地更新,使得 PHP 無論在 UNIX 或是 Win32 的平臺上都可以有更多新的功能。它提供豐富的函數,使得在程式設計方面有著更好的資源。目前PHP的最新版本為4.1.1 ,它可以在Win32以及UNIX/Linux等幾乎所有的平臺上良好工作。PHP在4.0版后使用了全新的Zend引擎,其在最佳化之后的效率,比較傳統 CGI 或者 ASP 等技術有了更好的表現。
PHP is completely open source code, in the Open Source consciousness today, it is the mainstay of this. Continue to have new functions added, and constantly updated, make PHP in either UNIX or Win32 platform can have more new features. It provides a wealth of function, the program design has a better resource. At present the latest version of PHP 4.1.1, it can be in the Win32 and UNIX/Linux almost all the good work platform. PHP in the 4 edition after the use of a new Zend engine, the optimum after efficiency, compared with the conventional CGI or ASP technology have made a better performance.

平臺無關性是PHP的最大優點,但是在優點的背后,還是有一些小小的缺點的。如果在PHP中不使用ODBC,而用其自帶的數據庫函數(這樣的效率要比使用ODBC高)來連接數據庫的話, 使用不同的數據庫,PHP的函數名不能統一。這樣,使得程序的移植變得有些麻煩。不過,作為目前應用最為廣泛的一種后臺語言,PHP的優點還是異常明顯的。
The independence of the platform is PHP 's biggest advantage, but in their merits, have small faults. If the PHP does not use ODBC, but with its own database functions ( such efficiency than it is to use the ODBC high ) to connect to the database, the use of different database, PHP function name can not be unified. This makes the transplant procedure, get some trouble. However, as the most widely used as a background language, the advantages of PHP or obvious.

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