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Web Design
Mobile Internet
Brand Design


Date:2012-11-26 Aource:尚品中國 Type:網站百科
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從互聯網發明到現在已經有二十多年時間了。 時至今日, 可以說它已經完全滲透到我們 平常生活中,成為我們工作和生活的一部分。在企業應用方面,互聯網更成為一種有效的客 戶聯系媒介,在塑造品牌形象、開拓市場、客戶服務、內部信息交流等方面發揮著越來越重 要的作用。認識到網絡對企業的重要性后,企業的主管領導都希望自己公司有一個“出色的網站” 。
The invention of the Internet now has twenty years time. Today, it has penetrated into our daily life, become a part of our work and life. In the enterprise applications, the Internet becomes an effective customer contact medium, in shaping the brand image, market development, customer service, internal information exchange plays an increasingly important role in. Network aware the importance to the enterprise, the enterprise leaders hope that their company has an " excellent website ".

一個好的網站制作一定要由一個好的互聯網服務專業公司來完成,那么,什么樣的公司 才是一個好公司,從哪里去尋找一個這樣的公司呢? 可以說,互聯網設計服務行業的進入門檻很低,一兩個人,架起一臺電腦就可以開張, 這些人能毫不費力的“攢出”一個網站。但生產一個專業化而又有使用價值的網站并不是一 件易事。這就好像人們學習英語,很多人都可以學會或模仿幾句常用口語,但能達到流利的 聽說讀寫,沒有幾年的苦學是辦不到的。這就是為什么我們在高中學 3 年,大學學 4 年,出 來后還是無法熟練掌握英語的原因。同樣道理,在網站建設行業,要成為一個真正的專業化 公司,也需要曲折的學習曲線,歷經十年一劍的坎坷和大量的案例積累。
A good website design should be a good Internet service Professional Company to do, then, what is a good company, where to find such a company? Can say, Internet design service industry to enter a doorsill low, one or two people, set up a computer can open, these people can easily " put " a website. But the production of a professional and valuable website is not easy. It's like people learn English, a lot of people may learn or mimic a few commonly spoken, but can achieve fluency in spoken and written, a few years of learning to do it. This is why we are in high school for 3 years, the University 4 years, come out or not proficient in English, cause. Similarly, in site construction industry, to become a true professional company, also a steep learning curve, after 10 sword rough and a large number of cases.

其實作為客戶, 尋找一個可靠的服務商是最符合商業價值的邏輯, 但尋找這樣一家公司 并不容易。筆者曾經遇到一家北京著名的建材經銷企業,年營業額數十億元。公司的老總篤 信互聯網的價值,要為自己公司建設一個本行業最出色的網站。在遇到海市之前,公司發展 部經理帶領一班人馬,通過網上的搜索,又驅車在京城拜訪了十多家公司,但奔波之后卻沒 有找到一家可以讓他放心的公司。 如果仔細計算一下, 這家企業在尋找網站建設商的直接成 本已達 3 到 4 千元, 要再計算因耽誤了其它工作而造成的間接成本, 其付出的尋找代價就更 高了。 客戶有了網站建設需求, 在不太了解互聯網服務企業的情況下, 如何快速低成本地找到 一個專業化服務商?本文試圖從客戶的角度,來剖析在這個行業參與競爭的各類公司。
In fact, as customers, looking for a reliable service provider is most consistent with the commercial value of the logic, but not easy to find such a company. I once met a famous Beijing building materials distribution enterprises, the annual turnover of several billion yuan. The manager of the company sincere letter Internet value, for their own company to build one of the industry's most outstanding website. In the face of the sea city before, company development department manager to lead a team, through online search, drove in the capital to visit more than 10 companies, but run but has not found a can let him rest assured the company. If careful calculation, this company looking for web site developers directly into the already amounted to 3 to 4000 yuan, to calculate again due to delay other work caused by indirect cost, pay for the price is higher. Customers have a construction site requirements, in the not too understand Internet service enterprises under the condition of low cost, how to quickly find a professional service provider? This article attempts from the customer's point of view, to analyze in this industry to participate in the competition of all kinds of companies.

行業參與者 美院背景 很多人把網站建設理解為網頁設計, 有些美術知識和網頁編輯知識的美院專業學生很自 然的成為網頁設計行業的參與者,甚至成為主力軍。這就是大量的各式各樣的“設計室”出 現在搜索結果中的原因。一般來講,這些設計室能“設計”出看上去還可以的網站,但要這 些網站發揮除宣傳和展示形象以外的更多功能, 需要稍微復雜的程序和數據庫支持時, 這些 公司的不足之處就暴露出來了。 編程背景 編輯網頁需要使用編輯軟件,如最常用的 FrontPage、DreamWeaver 等,最先熟練掌握 使用這些軟件技巧的往往是學習過計算機專業知識的軟件編程人員。 與設計背景的人員正好 相反,這些編程人員對網站的功能有比較深入的理解,但做出的網站在視覺方面比較平淡, 沒有沖擊力,使企業網站不能為訪問者留下深刻印象,不但不能塑造網上企業形象,有時可能會損害企業形象。
Industry participants of background many people the website understanding for webpage design, some knowledge of art and webpage editing knowledge of students' natural become webpage design industry participants, and even become the main force of. This is the large number of every kind of " design studio " appears in the search results in reason. Generally speaking, these design studio to " design " can also seem website, but the website in addition to publicize and display the image of more functional, require slightly more complex procedures and database support, these companies' shortcomings exposed. Programming background editing webpage needs to use the editing software, such as the most commonly used FrontPage, DreamWeaver, was the first to master the use of these software skills are often studied computer professional knowledge of software programming staff. Background and design personnel on the contrary, those programmers to the functionality of the site have more in-depth understanding, but make the site in the visual aspects of relatively dull, no impact force, make the enterprise website visitors left a deep impression, not only cannot create online corporate image, sometimes may damage the image of enterprise.

主機域名業者 注冊域名以及租賃網站空間是企業建設網站的前奏, 得益于客戶信息優勢, 主機和域名提供商自然把業務縱向延伸到網站建設業務。 由于域名和主機具有較大的利潤空間, 業務拓 展難度相對較低,而網站建設服務,因為需要更復雜的專業知識,取得客戶信任的難度比較 大,國內主流的域名和虛擬空間提供商始終把網站建設作為“副業” 。有些規模較大的公司 甚至沒有自己的專業設計和技術隊伍, 而把此部分業務再轉包給規模較小的公司, 給客戶造 成一些不必要的麻煩。 軟件、硬件公司客串 有些客戶因為各種各樣的原因,希望由一個公司提供打包式服務,這樣,在公司上 ERP 項目或進行網絡集成時,把公司的網站也順便做一下。
Host domain name industry domain registration and web space is leased enterprises construction site prelude, customers benefit from information superiority, hosting and domain name provider natural business extends longitudinally into the construction site operations. Since the domain name and host has larger profit space, business development difficulty is relatively low, and the construction site services, because of the need for more complicated professional knowledge, access to customer trust is difficult, the mainstream of domestic domain name and web space provider always put the building site as " avocation ". Some of the larger company doesn't even own the professional design and technical staff, and this part of the business to subcontract to smaller companies, to customers caused some unnecessary trouble. Software, Hard Suits Inc guest some customers because of various reasons, wanted by a company to provide service package, so that, in the company of ERP projects or network integration, the company's website the way to do it.

這種情況下,軟件公司或系統集成公 司不得不承擔不是自己特長的網站建設項目。 久而久之, 這些公司也把網站建設當成了自己 的副業之一。類似于域名注冊商,系統集成商大部分也沒有自己的專業隊伍,往往把這部分 工作外包給成本較低的小公司,這樣,客戶方面的利益從實際上就受到了一定的損害。 轉包的危害性 在所有類型的網站建設提供者中, 項目轉包和使用臨時人員進行設計開發給客戶帶來的 風險最大,造成的危害也最大。某虛擬主機商,利用自己的市場網絡和市場知名度吸引來不 少客戶, 但由于自己沒有開發和設計隊伍, 只能把項目外包給合作伙伴。 這樣, 項目實施者、 客戶和外包公司形成了一個三角關系。 因為各種各樣的原因, 客戶不能和項目實施人員進行 直接溝通, 客戶的要求和修改意見只能通過第三方轉達, 不但給各方造成額外時間和精力的 浪費,也帶來了不必要的誤解。 使用臨時技術人員也會給客戶帶來類似于轉包的危害。 北京某大型企業要建設一個基于 J2EE 的公司網站,在經過多輪網站建設公司的比選后,被一個擅長廣告設計的公司打動, 就委托該公司進行網站系統的開發。 由于這個公司的優勢在于視覺設計, 在軟件系統開發上 并不擅長,特別是該公司根本沒有 J2EE 技術工程師,由此該公司不得不從清華大學臨時聘 請在職研究生作為開發人員。
In this case, software companies and systems integration company had to undertake not to their expertise to the website construction project. In the course of time, these companies also build the website as his avocation. Similar to the domain registrar, system integrators, most also do not have their own professional team, often take this part of outsourcing work to lower the cost of small companies, so, customers benefit from actually damaged. Subcontract the harmfulness in all types of Web site building providers, project subcontract and the use of temporary personnel to design development and give customers the greatest risk, harm is the largest. A hosting provider, using its own marketing network and market popularity attracted not little customer, but because of their own do not have development and design teams, only the project outsourcing to partners. Thus, project implementation, customer and outsource companies formed a triangle relationship. Because of various reasons, customer and project personnel to communicate directly, customer requirements and modifications only through the third party to convey, not only to the parties resulted in additional time and energy is wasted, also brought unnecessary misunderstanding. The use of temporary technical staff will also give customers a similar to subcontract the harm. A large enterprise in Beijing to build a J2EE based on the company's website, after several rounds of website construction company than after the election, be a good advertising design company moved, commissioned by the company website system development. Due to the advantage of the company lies in visual design, in the development of software systems is not good, especially the company no J2EE technical engineers, the company had to temporarily hired from the Tsinghua University graduate students as a developer.

由于在校學生缺少實際操作實踐, 在網站平臺搭建初期就遇到 了很多困難。 操作系統安裝不上、 Oracle 數據庫連不通等等, 在專業人員看來很簡單的問題, 這個小組用了近一個月的時間也沒有順利調通。 來自領導的壓力和項目實施的不順利等, 給 客戶方項目實施人員造成了很大的痛苦。更大的麻煩來自于這些開發人員是臨時湊在一起, 項目完成后,網站出現問題,需要及時維護,但通過網站建設公司已無法找到這些學生。 規模――大和小 與軟件公司類似,網站建設行業特點決定了這類公司的規模不可能太大,從人數上說, 在一個大中城市,專業做網站的公司人員規模達到 30-50 人時,已是大型公司了。有些公 司可能達到幾百人,但絕大部分都是市場和銷售人員,核心的技術和設計人員不過幾十人。 公司的規模也與公司的定位有關, 專做中小企業的公司, 需要大量的項目才能累計成較大的 銷售額,因而需要人數眾多而水平不太高的技術和設計人員來像“流水線”一樣生產網站。 定位在高端的公司,需要雇傭頂尖的設計師和程序開發師,人不在多而要精,客戶價值從人 員水平上得到體現。 真正的專業公司 在商品經濟愈來愈發達的今天,業有專攻,定位明確是企業致勝的法寶之一。
Because the students lack of practical operation, in the website platform to build early on met a lot of difficulties. Operating system, Oracle database is not installed on the even unreasonable and so on, in a professional look very simple question, the group spent nearly a month of time nor smooth transfer. Pressure from the leadership and the implementation of the project is not smooth and so on, to the customer side project personnel caused great pain. More trouble from the developer 's temporary together, after the completion of the project, site of occurrence problem, need timely maintenance, but through the web site construction company has been unable to find these students. Scale - big and small software company is similar, site construction industry characteristic determines the type of the size of the company can not be too large, the number of said, in a large city, professional company to do site staff size reached 30-50 people, is the Large Firm. Some companies may reach hundreds of people, but the majority is marketing and sales personnel, the core of the technical and design staff but dozens of people. The size of the company and the company also is positioned about the small and medium-sized enterprises, to do the company, need a large number of projects to aggregate into large sales, resulting in the need for a large number and level is not too high technical and design staff as " lines " as the production site. Positioning in the high-end company, need to hire top designers and program development division, not much to fine, customer value from the staff level reflected. Real Professional Company in the commodity economy increasingly developed today, the industry has a clear positioning, is the key to success.

走專業化道路有利于積累知識,把不同客戶的需求提升成通用的“經驗” ,降低客戶風險。網站建設行業也遵循同樣的經濟規律。 真正的網站建設專業公司應把網站建設做成自己的主業, 而不是幾個副業中的一個。 應該具有咨詢規劃、設計、編程、項目管理、客戶服務等各方面的綜合素質,而不是只具備某 一方面能力;應該具有持續為客戶提供服務的能力,而不是今天存在,明天就可能會消失的 公司。 咨詢能力 咨詢能力是指網站建設公司利用自己積累的專業知識,指導客戶正確理解網站的內涵、 作用、結構規劃方法、內容組織等等需要客戶參與的部分。專業的網站建設公司是“引導型 公司” ,她能在各方面引導客戶做出正確的判斷和選擇。而沒有咨詢能力的公司只是客戶的 工具,客戶說什么她能實現什么,客戶不知道的,這些網站建設公司也不知道。在教育行業 有“一桶水”和“一碗水”之說,即要教學生一碗水的知識,你自己得有一桶水的知識儲備。 在網站建設行業也是如此,當“知識性”網站建設公司為你服務時,你會感到,你得到的比 想得到的要多的多。當然,知識型網站建設公司也不斷從客戶中間學習,把學到的知識加以 系統化整理,再用到其它客戶項目上,這樣就形成了一個良性知識積累和循環。
Take the road of specialization is conducive to the accumulation of knowledge, the different needs of customers ascension into a generic " experience ", reduce customer risk. Site construction industry also follows the same law of economy. The real site construction Professional Company should build the website made his main business, rather than one of several sideline. Should have the Advisory planning, design, programming, project management, customer service and other aspects of the comprehensive quality, not only have a capacity; should have continued to provide customers with services, rather than exists today, tomorrow may vanish in the company. Consulting consulting refers to the ability of website construction companies use their accumulated knowledge, guiding customers to understand correctly the connotation, structure, function of website planning method, content organization and so on need customer engagement portion. Professional web site construction company is "to guide the company ", she can in the aspects of guiding the customer to make the correct judgment and choice. Without consulting the ability of the company 's customers, customers that what she can do, the customer does not know, these website construction company do not know. In the education sector have " a bucket of water" and " a bowl of water " say, is to teach students the knowledge of a bowl of water, you have to have a bucket of water knowledge. On site construction industry also is such, when the " knowledge " website construction company for your service, you will be, you get more than to get more and more. Of course, the knowledge of Web site construction company has been from the customer intermediate learning, learn the knowledge of system arrangement, and then to the other client projects, thus forming a benign knowledge accumulation and cycling.

公司項目管理和操作流程 網站建設公司專業與否, 在公司的項目管理和操作流程上可以得到充分的體現。 軟件公 司在國際上有 CMM 認證,從 1 級到 5 級,講的就是軟件項目過程管理規范。網站建設是一 個年輕的行業, 在國際上目前還沒有形成什么標準, 大部分公司在借用軟件管理的標準來管 理網站項目。有些不專業、不規范的公司,根本就沒有形成文字的項目管理規范,只是項目 參與人員憑個人感覺掌握項目的質量和進度。這也給客戶造成了很大的不確定性和風險。 很多客戶在選擇網站建設公司時,首先關心的是網站的設計、價格、功能等,對于如何 完成網站整個網站項目關心不夠。實際上,網站能否按計劃和預期的質量完成并發布,網站 建設公司的項目管理能力在其中占有很大的份量。 網站項目也有自己的生命周期, 從確立服 務公司到立項,再到網站完成發布等中間要經過 5-6 個關鍵環節。
Project management and operation process of website construction company professional or not, in the company's project management and operation process can be fully embodied. Software companies in the international CMM certification, from grade 1 to grade 5, is about software project process management. Website construction is a young industry, in the world there is no formation of any standard, most companies use software management standard to manage web project. Some professional, normative company, there is no word project management standards, only the people involved with the project with a personal sense of master of project quality and schedule. It also gives the customer has caused a great deal of uncertainty and risk. Many customers in the selection of site construction company, the first concern is the website design, price, function, how to complete the site the whole website project cares enough. In fact, website whether planned and expected quality completed and released, website construction company project management ability in which a large part of. Web site projects also have their own life cycle, from the establishment of the Service Corporation to the project, to the site, complete release intermediate to pass all the key links.

海市公司建立了一套按 關鍵環節設立的“里程碑”式項目管理法,把進度、質量、測試等關鍵監測和控制指標進行 有效分解, 每個里程碑有專人驗收簽字并擔負管理責任, 在項目進行過程中發現問題并及時 解決。否則,把所有的問題都積累到最后,再有經驗的人也可能無能為力。 客戶在選擇網站建設公司時,不但看公司的項目管理流程圖,關鍵看公司的執行文檔。 流程圖也許是一個銷售工具,是否能得到有力的執行,必須有具體的執行文檔做保證。 從業經驗 專業公司都有多年本行業的從業經驗, 有幾十甚至上百項目案例, 經歷了無數成功和失 敗。這些經歷可以以某種顯性的方式或隱性的方式傳遞給客戶,使客戶的失敗風險降低。經 驗和實力不是一個范疇, 這一點可以從一個實例中得到驗證。 有一個大型電視傳媒公司希望 建設大型信息發布網站,該公司尋找網站建設商的標準是規模大,注冊資金 1 億元以上。專業網站建設公司很少達到這個條件。 他們最后找到一家做軟件和系統集成的綜合公司。 但這 個系統集成公司沒有做網站的經驗, 對這個行業也不感興趣, 因此把這個項目以五十分之一 的價格又轉包給一家小公司。最后的結果可想而知。
The company set up a press key link to establish " milepost " project management method, the progress, quality, testing and other key monitoring and control indicators for effective decomposition, each person has milepost acceptance signature and assume management responsibility, in the process of project found problems and resolved in a timely manner. Otherwise, all the problems accumulated to a final, more experienced people may be incapable of action. Customers in the selection of site construction company, not only to look at the company's project management, critical look at the company's implementation of document. Flow chart is perhaps a sales tool, can be a powerful execution, there must be a specific implementation document guarantee. Experience of Professional Company have years of industry experience, with dozens or even hundreds of project case, experienced numerous successes and failures. These experiences can be a dominant or recessive mode of delivery to customers, enabling customers to reduce the risk of failure. Experience and strength is not a category, this point can be obtained from an example. There is a large television media companies want to build large website, the company is looking for web site developers standard is large in scale, the registered capital of 100000000 yuan of above. Professional web site construction company rarely achieve this condition. They finally found a software and system integration of the integrated companies. But this is a systems integration company did not make experience, of the industry is also not interested, so keep this project to 1/50 price also subcontracted to a small company. The final result one can imagine.

技術標準和規范 可以說技術標準成就了現代工業。由于有了標準,汽車的零件才可以成品生產、裝配, 損壞后非常容易的更換;由于有了標準,計算機軟件才能在不同的計算機上安裝使用。 在網站建設行業,目前沒有國家規定的標準,有些公司對此項工作也不夠重視,在實際 工作中沒有任何標準意識, 任憑自己的習慣編寫網頁代碼和程序代碼。 在這個行業流傳著一個可笑的故事, 說的是公司老板為了保護自己公司開發的程序代碼, 要公司的開發工程師對 程序進行加密,公司技術總監則說沒有這個必要,因為本公司編寫的代碼,除了開發者本人 可以看懂以外,其他人要想看懂比解密還難,所以根本不需要加密。 不執行一定技術標準和規范的網站會帶來嚴重的問題。 除了其他人員無法方便的修改和 更新網站程序外,這些網站可能在不同的瀏覽器中出現錯誤;可能因為沒有遵守 Google、 Yahoo 等著名搜索引擎的規則,而被這些搜索引擎拒之門外;可能存在安全隱患;可能因為 網頁友好性差,給客戶帶來不必要的瀏覽負擔等等。
Technical standards and specifications can be said that the achievement of modern industrial technology standards. Due to the standard, auto parts to finished production, assembly, easy replacement of damaged; due to the standard, the computer software can be installed on different computers use. On site construction industry, there is no national standards, some companies have not paid attention to this work, in the practical work in the absence of any standard consciousness, despite their habits to prepare webpage code and program code. In this industry to spread a funny story, saying is the boss of the company in order to protect his company developed the program code, to the Engineer for encryption, the company technical director said that this is not necessary, because the company code, in addition to the developers themselves can understand, other people to understand than decryption is difficult, so there's no need to encrypt. Do not perform certain technical standards and specifications website will bring serious problems. In addition to other personnel not convenient to modify and update the website program, the website may be in different browser error; probably because of failure to comply with Google, Yahoo and other famous search engine rules, and by these search engines shut sb.; possible hidden safety problems; probably because webpage friendly difference, to bring customers unnecessary browsing burden and so on.

售后服務是客戶公認的、需要重點考察的項目。如果售后服務不理想,會給網站管理人 員帶來痛苦的經歷。因為是“售后” ,所以售前就很難檢驗其質量的好壞。但這也不是絕對 的,我們至少可以從“被服務過的公司”處得到很多信息和啟發。另一個重要標志就是網站 建設公司的長期客戶比例。長期客戶是網站服務公司經過長時間服務而能保持關系的公司, 這些公司的選擇已不是通過銷售人員的口頭表述, 而是通過自己的親身體驗。 路遙知馬力是 這方面最貼切的描述。 從老客戶那里可以了解更真實的情況 許多公司在考察網站建設公司時, 往往通過案例演示查看公司的設計水平、 通過后臺演 示檢驗公司的技術實力、 通過實地考察感受公司的規模和實力。 這些考察步驟無疑是必要的, 也是有效的。 但公司的正面演示大部分都是經過刻意修飾后而呈現的, 就像人需要穿戴整齊 后才出門是一個道理。老客戶是經過長期接觸后的體驗,相信能給后來者很多好的建議。所以在你選擇公司感到有難度時, 不妨讓網站建設公司提供一個客戶聯系人名單, 試著與老客 戶在電話里做一個簡單的交流,你會感到踏實許多。
Customer service customer service is recognized, needs to focus on the project. If the after sale service is not ideal, will give the website administrator painful experience. Because it is a " customer service ", so it is very difficult to test its pre-sale quality. But this is not absolute, we can at least " is served company " get a lot of information and inspiration. Another important sign is the website construction company's long-term customers proportion. Long term customer is the site of Service Corporation after long time service can be maintained while the relationship with the company, the company has not chosen by sales staff expressed verbally, but through his personal experience. Lu Yaozhi horsepower is the most appropriate description. From old customers where you can know more truth many companies in the study site construction companies, often through a case presentation show the company's design standards, through the background of demonstration inspection company technical strength, through field visits to feel the company's size and strength. These inspection step is necessary, is also effective. But the company's positive demonstration mostly after deliberately modified to appear, just like people need dressed to go out is a reason. The old customer is after a long exposure after the experience, I believe that will give those later many good suggestions. So before you choose the company was difficult, let the website construction company providing a customer contact list, try with the old customers on the phone to do a simple exchange, you will find many practical.

價格因素做過網站的公司都有一個共同的感受,這個行業價格特別亂。同樣一份需求,發給不同 的公司后,得到的報價差距之大,讓人感到瞠目。某特大型電子產品制造集團公司要更新集 團的門戶網站,共向八家網站建設商發出尋價書,得到的報價從 2 萬多直到 80 多萬,使該 公司不知道到底該花多少銀子做這項事情。 造成這種現象的原因是多方面的。 一些小公司沒有實力在設計、 開發等硬指標上參與競 爭,就使用低價格來誘導價格敏感的客戶。而有些大型軟件公司,遇到大客戶的需求,則拋 出一個天價賭一把,能得到算運氣,得不到也不惋惜,因為畢竟不是以專業建網站為生。可 以說,這個市場已經進行了充分競爭,在大多數情況下,公司報出的價格基本反映公司的定 位和服務水平。 其實,價格的高低差距在其它行業也屢見不鮮。大家都熟悉的汽車行業,從幾萬元的轎 車到上百萬的豪華車,其價格的跨度不比網站的報價遜色,但人們毫無怨言。其原因在于汽 車行業把消費定位宣傳的很充分,花多少錢,買什么車,消費者在消費之前自己已先明白。 網站建設行業的公司也是如此, 一個沒有實力的公司是沒有膽量報出高價的, 即使這個價格 是合理的。但客戶往往向造“夏利”的公司和造“寶馬”的公司同時尋價,得到的價格當然 會有差距。 真正的專業網站建設公司希望客戶用合理的價格完成既定的目標, 這個價格太高 或太低都會給客戶和網站建設公司帶來不利影響。 詳細報價的煩惱 許多公司在給出客戶方案時都給出一個非常詳細的分項報價, 有的客戶也要求網站建設商提供詳細報價單??蛻粝M敿殘髢r單無非是想看這個網站建設的預算是如何組成的, 對每個模塊的價位找到心理感覺, 從而在不同競爭公司的報價之間進行比較, 再進行分項壓 價等等。其實這種做法是客戶被某些公司帶入了一個價格誤區。 當網站的各個功能不可拆分時,分項報價就沒有任何意義。這好比你在購買一輛汽車, 你要求汽車銷售商把發動機、車輪、方向盤、車門、底盤、轉向系統、剎車系統等分開理出 價格,然后把這些分項價格匯總成總價格,然后你把不同車型的分項價格進行橫向比較。
Price factors had done a website company have a common feeling, the industry price special chaos. A similar demand, to different companies, the price difference is big, let a person feel stare. A large electronic products manufacturing company to update the group's website, to a total of eight web site developers issued price searching books, get quotes from more than 2 until about 800000, so that the company did not know how much money to do the work. The reasons are in many aspects. Some small companies have strength in the design, development and other hard targets involved in competition, use low prices to induce price-sensitive customers. While some large software company, meet customer needs, is to throw a high price make a bet, can be considered luck, not to also do not regret, because after all, not to build a website for the students of professional. Can say, the market has been fully competitive, in most cases, the company reported that the price basically reflect the company's positioning and service level. In fact, the price of the gap in the other industries it is often seen. Everyone is familiar with the auto industry, from a few million cars to millions of luxury, the price do not span than sites offer less, but there is no complaints. The reason is that the car industry to consumer targeted publicity is very full, spends the how much money, what car to buy, the consumer has to understand myself before. Site construction company also is such, a strength of the company is not dare offer price, even if the price is reasonable. But customers tend to make " Xiali " company and " BMW " for the company while seeking price, the price will certainly have difference. A true professional website construction company wants customers at reasonable prices with the completion of the established goal, the price is too high or too low will give customers and site construction company brings adverse effect. Detailed quote troubles many companies in the given customer solutions are given a very detailed itemized quotation, some clients require construction sites to provide detailed quotations. Customers want detailed quotation wanted nothing more than to see this website construction budget is how the composition, each module on the prices to find the psychological feeling, resulting in different competitive price comparison between partial pressure, and price and so on. In fact, this approach is the customer is certain the company into a misunderstanding of price. When the website each function can not be split, itemized quotation does not have any meaning. It is like you are buying a car, you ask for car dealers to engine, wheels, steering wheel, door, chassis, steering system, brake system parts on reasonable price, then put these breakdown price aggregated into the total price, and then you put the different models of the itemized price compare.

這種做法第一是在現實中很難操作, 第二它把客戶引導到客戶并不懂的領域。 如果做一個調查, 恐怕 99%以上的客戶無法給出某車發動機的價格。讓客戶在這些根本不了解的項目上進行 決策,而最應該關心的總預算卻被掩蓋。當然,如果汽車銷售商提供一些選裝件,如真皮座 套、桃木內飾等,每一項的價格對客戶都有意義。 網站建設也具有同樣特點。在網站中,有些“組成部分”是任何公司網站都需要的,且 是不可分割的,如果把這些部分割裂開,進行分項報價,就是對客戶的誤導。
This approach first is in reality very difficult operation, it put the customer lead to second customers do not understand field. If you make a survey, I am afraid that more than 99% clients are unable to get a car engine price. To allow customers in these don't understand the project decision-making, and most should care about the total budget is covered. Of course, if the car dealers to provide some options, such as leather seat cover, interiors, every price to the customer have meaning. Website construction also has the same characteristics. In the website, some " part " is any company website needs, and are inseparable, if these part of dehiscence, itemized quotation, is misleading customers.

這些基本內容 如網站設計、網頁制作、內容管理、信息反饋、后臺管理等。不同類型的網站也有不同的基 本內容,如在線購物型網站,除上述提到的基本內容外,還有產品數據庫、會員、購物車、 訂單處理等必不可少的最基本內容。如果在基本內容的基礎上,再增加功能,就相當于汽車 的選裝件。在網站上, “選裝件”包括 BBS、在線招聘、在線支付等幾十項功能。 在報價上的另一個誤導就是按網頁數量收費。這看起來非常合理,做的多就多收,做的 少就少收。但在項目執行過程之前,客戶很難確切計劃出自己的網站有多少頁。即使能大概 估計頁數,也難免在網站制作過程中產生變化,要增加或減少內容。項目預算一般需要領導 審批,一個項目如果需要不斷申請預算,數次要求領導審批,具體負責項目的人員受累還是 小事,在領導面前能留下什么印象?合理的做法應該是大概估計一個規模,如果不是質變, 網頁數量多或少就不再計算,這樣能省去客戶許多顧慮和煩惱。
These basic elements such as website design, webpage making, content management, information feedback, background management. Different types of sites also have different basic content, such as online shopping website, in addition to the above mentioned basic content, and the product database, membership, shopping cart, order processing and other essential to the most basic content. If the basic contents on the basis of, add function, equivalent to the auto option. On the website, " optional " including BBS, online recruitment, online payment and other dozens of function. In the quote on another misleading is according to the webpage quantity charge. It seems to be reasonable, do more close more, do less less. But in the process of project implementation, the customer is difficult to plan out their website has many pages. Even approximate pages, also hard to avoid is in Web site production process change, want to increase or decrease the content of. The project budget generally requires the approval of the leadership, a project if you need to constantly apply budget, several requests for approval of the leadership, specifically responsible for the project personnel involved is a trivial matter, before the leader can impress? Rational approach should be estimated on a scale of, if not the qualitative change, webpage number more or less no longer computation, that could save many worries and troubles of customers.

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