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Web Design
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Date:2013-02-22 Aource:尚品中國 Type:網站百科
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地方網站制作在近年來開始逐漸興起,其中也有很多做得比較火熱、比較成功的,但是也有不少地方網站因為缺乏有價值的內容而無人問津。也有很多站長跟筆者 抱怨過,地方網站的內容建設十分令人頭疼,筆者也就這個問題和他們探討了很長一段時間,也通過實踐總結出三招來解決這個地方網站的內容建設問題,下面就來 和大家分享一下。
Local website production gradually on the rise in recent years, many of them are doing more hot, more successful, but there are also many local websites because of the lack of valuable content and no one shows any interest in. There are also many webmaster and I complained, the local content of the website construction is very painful, I have this problem and they discussed for a long time, also summarizes through the practice of three words addressed this place the content on the website construction problem, here to share with you.

The first: choose popular local news website to fill

人們在生活中都喜歡關注時事,作為一個地方網站,首先應該滿足人們這個需求。地方性的新聞因為比較貼近用戶的生活,因此很多用戶也愿意去關注的,站 長應該利用用戶這個心理,到一些新聞網站上挖掘一些本地的新聞,盡量選擇最熱門的、最受人關注的,最好還加上一些自己的獨特見解,也應該專門開設一個評論 模塊,讓用戶能夠暢所欲言,這樣做能夠有效提升這個網站的活躍度。
People love interest in life, as a local site, should meet the needs of people first. Local news because the user of press close to life, so many users are willing to pay attention, standing long should use the user of this psychological, to some news website mining some local news, try to choose the most popular, the most popular, is also the best and unique insights on some of their own, should also be devoted to open a comment module, allowing users to speak one's mind freely, it can effectively enhance the activity of the website.

Second: find people live close to the information, information

我們都知道,有需求才會有轉化率,才會有流量,而對一個地方網站的用戶來說,他們最直接的需求就是生活的需求。地方網站相當于本地用戶的一個家,我 們應該盡到做“家長”的責任,為用戶提供一些有價值的、貼近他們生活的信息、資訊。比如說近來又有什么美食節(jié)或者購物節(jié)之類的活動將要展開,我們就可以尋 找到這些信息,然后發(fā)布到網上,讓更多用戶知道這些活動的存在,如果我們的信息夠及時、夠準確、夠全面,用戶的需求也能得到相應的滿足,用戶也會更加喜歡 你這個地方網站,對這個網站的歸屬感更加的強烈。
As we all know, the demand will have the conversion rate, will flow, and on a local website users, they are the most direct demand is the needs of life. Local site a home is equivalent to the local user, we should try to make the "parents" responsibility, provide some valuable, close to their life information, information for the user. For example, recently what food festival or shopping festival activities will be launched, we can find the information, and then released to the Internet, let more users know these activities exist, if our information is timely, accurately enough, enough overall, the demand of the user also can be met, the user will be more like your website to the website of this place, the sense of belonging more intense.

Third: choose to touch the user emotional topics to do content

感情,是一個永恒的話題,有愛情、親情、友情等等,人們對于這個情感話題還是相當感興趣的。地方網站站長應該抓住用戶這一點心理,來開展一個專門的 版塊來編輯一些關于情感類的文章或者內容。也可以分門別類把這些情感分類,比如愛情的分一版塊,親情的分一版塊,這樣能讓用戶通過瀏覽這些網站內容來宣泄 他們的情感,也能讓他們產生共鳴。站長可以根據網站自身以及本地的具體情況來自行設定,這里也不過多闡述了。
Love, is an eternal topic, there is love, affection, friendship and so on, the emotional topic is quite interested in. Local website stationmaster should seize the user this point of psychological, to carry out a special edition to edit some of the emotional articles or content. Can also be arranged to the sentiment classification, such as the love of a section, a section of the family, thus allowing the user to browse through the website content to give vent to their feelings, also can let them resonate. The webmaster can according to the site itself as well as the local specific conditions to set their own, but also described here.

地方網站的內容建設雖然存在一定的難度,但是領悟這三招至少能讓你有更多的新意去創(chuàng)造網站內容,也希望各個地方網站的站長能夠真正建設起讓用戶喜歡 的地方網站,讓自己的網站變得更強大、更受歡迎。
Place the content on the website construction although there are some difficulties, but I understand that at least allows you to have more new ideas to create web content, but also hope that each place website owners can really build up let users like local web sites, let own site become more powerful, more popular.

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