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Date:2013-04-20 Aource:尚品中國 Type:網站百科
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我們知道DIV+ CSS的建站模式能夠攻克其他建站模式成為目前的主打建站模式,肯定有他的必然優勢,首先使用DIV+ CSS做出來的網站能夠更節省代碼空間,而且更符合搜索引擎的的收錄規則,這對網站排名及權重的增加有很大的幫助,其次DIV+ CSS做出來的網站在后期網站改版上也更加方便,我們只需要修改網站的css代碼就能夠改版網站的整體樣式,從而減少網站的修改成本,北京網站建設公司指出, DIV+ CSS的建站模式雖然好,但其在進行網站建設時也存在一些不容忽視的問題。
We know DIV+ CSS construction model to conquer other construction model become the main station mode, must have his advantage must, first use the DIV+ CSS to do the site to save code space, and more in line with the rules included search engine, the website ranking and weight increase of great help, followed by DIV+ CSS made the site later in the website is more convenient, the overall style, we only need to modify the site of the CSS code can change the site, thereby reducing the site of modification cost, Beijing website construction company points out, the DIV+ CSS construction model is good, but its in website construction also has some can not be ignored the problem.

使用DIV+ CSS在做網站時的問題主要表現如下:
Use the DIV+ CSS to do the main problems are as follows:

一、 定位復雜(Location of complex)

相對與傳統的表格建站模式來說,使用DIV+ CSS來進行網站定位時,要復雜的多,而且還容易出錯,即使你設計水平再高,出錯也是在所難免的,更不要說是一個初學者,因此,這也加大了學習DIV+ CSS建站的難度,使得DIV+ CSS的門檻更高,從而影響了XHTML網站設計語言的普及和應用。
Compared with the traditional form, mode, use the DIV+ CSS to the site location, is more complex, but also easy to make a mistake, even if you design level to high, mistakes can hardly be avoided, not to mention a beginners, therefore, this also increased the difficulty of learning DIV+ CSS website, the DIV+ CSS a higher threshold, thus affecting the popularization and application of XHTML website design language.

二、 不容易找錯(Not wrong)

In order to save space, we do the site, will be reduced to the minimum CSS mode, and then these styles in an external file, if the code is a bit error, is likely to lead to the site deformation, and it is difficult to find the causes of error position error, which is to our website in error when we might need a lot of time to correct, even, sometimes than we do a website is also time-consuming.

三、 CSS代碼的兼容性不是很好(The CSS code is not very good compatibility)

代碼兼容一直是一個具有爭議的問題,有時候我們做出來的網站在IE中能夠正常顯示,而換成火狐卻變了模樣,又比如說我們使用火狐或360瀏覽器時發現網站正常,而一旦換成IE網站卻一團糟,因此,使用DIV+ CSS做網站設計時,要有網站設計人員安裝好幾個瀏覽器,反復試驗修改。
Code compatibility has been a controversial issue, sometimes we do website to display properly in IE, and changed to Firefox has changed, for example we use Firefox browser or 360 found website normally, but once into IE site was a mess, therefore, using the DIV+ CSS web site design, to web design personnel to install several browsers, trial and error modification.

四、搜索引擎優化有要求(Search engine optimization is required)

DIV+ CSS對搜索引擎優化與否取決于網頁設計的專業水平而不是CSS+DIV本身。CSS+DIV網頁設計并不能保證網頁對搜索引擎的優化,甚至不能保證一定比HTML網站有更簡潔的代碼設計,何況搜索引擎對于網頁的收錄和排序顯然不是以是否采用表格和CSS定位來衡量,這就是為什么很多傳統表格布局制作的網站在搜索結果中的排序靠前,而很多使用CSS及web標準制作的網頁排名依然靠后的原因。因為對于搜索引擎而言,網站結構、內容、相關網站鏈接等因素始終是網站優化最重要的指標。
DIV+ CSS professional level of search engine optimization depends on the webpage design rather than CSS+DIV itself. CSS+DIV webpage design does not guarantee that the optimization of the search engine's webpage, even with no guarantee of a code design more concise than the HTML sites, and search engine for the webpage collection and sorting is not whether to use tables and CSS positioning to measure, which is why many traditional table layout production site in search results the ranking in front, and a lot of the use of CSS and web standard production of the webpage ranking still rely on the reasons. Because the search engine, website structure, content, links to related sites and other factors is always the most important indicator of website optimization.

以上可以雖然DIV+ CSS是目前的主打建站模式,但是,其也是存在不少的弊端問題,隨著網絡的發展,以后必將會有其他更好的建站模式代替這種建站模式。
Although DIV+ CSS is above the current flagship station mode, however, it also exists many problems, with the development of network, the construction model instead of this site model will be better.



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