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Web Design
Mobile Internet
Brand Design


Date:2013-05-22 Aource:尚品中國 Type:網站百科
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草根站長越來越多,大家的網站logo制作多數很隨意,先不說美觀不美觀,就連基本的幾個標準都沒有達到吧。筆者每次網站制作logo都感覺很費勁,雖然 絞盡腦汁,但也想不出什么好的主意。我認為好的logo還得是不斷修改出來的,這點就是需要反復地琢磨了。今天我們不講如何制作logo,我們講下一個好 的網站logo的幾個標準。
Grassroots webmaster more and more, your website logo making most casually, did not say first appearance is not beautiful, even some basic standards have not reached. The author of each production site logo feel very hard, although the rack one's brains, but I couldn't think of any good idea. I think a good logo must be constantly revised up, this is the need to repeatedly pondering. We don't talk about how to make logo today, several standard US website logo good next.

第一個標準就是足夠小!網站logo肯定是圖片了,但是并不是每張圖片的大小都符合標準啊,其實也沒有所謂的標準就是會不會影響到打開速度,如果真的 十分影響打開速度就要思考下是不是太大了。很多人制作一個logo就占了200kb,往往頁面都打開了但是logo還沒有加載完。
The first criterion is small enough! Site logo is certainly a picture, but not every picture size standard ah, actually also does not have the so-called standard is will affect open speed, if really affect open speed will be thinking too much is it right?. A lot of people making a logo accounted for 200KB, often pages are opened but logo has not finished loading.

第二個是圖片的含義問題,我認為一個logo表達的含義很少,但是又很多。Logo一般都是包含域名和一個圖標或者是漢字。比如淘寶網的圖標和百度的 圖標,另外中關村的圖標,這些都是典型。我認為一個logo所包含的含義不應該過多,很多人將自己站點的副標題也寫進logo,這就不太好了。會影響 logo的大小,也會影響大家的認知度。
The second is the meaning of the picture, I think a little the meaning of logo, but also a lot of. Logo are generally contain a domain name and an icon or Chinese characters. For example taobao.com icons and Baidu icon, another Zhongguancun icon, these are typical. I think a logo contains the meaning should not be too much, a lot of people will own site subtitle is written into the logo, this is not good. Will affect the size of the logo, will also affect your awareness.

第三個是logo的美觀,只要可以表達出最基本的含義,這個logo的創意就是沒問題的。剩下的就是美觀問題,配色和字體一定要注意。我建議大家還是 找專業的美工幫忙制作,目前制作一個logo也就是幾十塊錢而已。當然現在也可以用一些自動制作logo的網站來制作,也十分美觀。
The third is logo beautiful, as long as it can express the basic meaning, the originality of logo is no problem. The rest is appearance, color and font must pay attention to. I suggest that you still find professional artists to help production, currently making a logo also dozens of pieces of money. Of course, it also can be used to create some automatic production of logo site, is also very beautiful.


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