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Date:2013-09-06 Aource:尚品中國 Type:網站百科
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The company after the opening, a lot of the dinner, but still born chowhound, various refuse nobody, tastes like the wind puffs the clouds away. And as the flowing water of Yangtze River, fierce unceasingly, its state as public drinking leading cadres. At dinner several enterprises mister told him about, before several small companies do enterprise stand, but has been unable to bring in customers, the feeling is white do, let him give a analysis. But the money was in alcoholism, mental decline seriously, even the mouth to eat is chopsticks or chicken feet are not out of. But it still is remembered, so now do a analysis. What makes the enterprise website cannot bring customers? At the end of the day, is the core of -- you don't have to give customers to choose your reason.

一、第一屏的內容是什么(What is the first screen)

查閱了幾位老總的企業網站,發現有一個共同的問題,第一屏是一個大型的banner圖,這是必須的,但banner圖里面的內容放置略有錯誤——放置的不應該是企業文化或企業口號,“精益求精 誠信為本”這類詞語實在沒有必要在第一屏用這么大的banner來展示。
Refer to the several Mister enterprise website, found that there is a common problem, the first screen is a large banner map, this is a must, but banner contents placed slightly wrong -- place should not be the corporate culture and corporate slogan, "refine on honesty" this kind of words have no necessary to display such a big banner on the first screen.

First of all, when the customers came to your site, he want to know should not be your company culture is like, what is customer first ", want to know your company is doing what? What is the product? What are the advantages? Customers won't because you shouted slogans to choose you.

二、企業、產品介紹個過于平淡(Enterprise, product introduction too dull)

In short, the website content not provocative, marketing is not obvious, not to the customer would like to place an order. It is easy to ignore, but it is fatal.

So in the enterprise website construction, website must planning, direct customer demand, less about how companies luxury, mister, how wise employees how to that crap, from the customer needs, to allow customers to see him want to see.

三、新聞、資訊的發布(News, information)

The enterprise website set up this section, the purpose should not be issued a notice, exhibition company staff these content -- "XX New Year evening show" has no meaning. The enterprise website not give employees see, internal communication with OA, QQ, micro-blog Wangwang, many ways, this is enough.

But the enterprise marketing type website construction should be external, is to give customers see, your company has opened a new year's party is what is the relationship with customers?

News, information of the plate, the main purpose is to do SEO, the words of your company's top ranked, but also to meet customer demand, reflects professional. So, must be issued and strong correlation between the industry, and have a certain value of the article, of course as is the original.

四、聯系方式不去明顯或頻繁彈窗(Contact not obvious or frequent popups)

Want to let customers to contact the company, no ground for blame, but still need to have a degree. Too tight.

When customers need to place an order, but click on seven or eight pages can't find the contact way, so I won't. When customers into the site, the site online customer service window, a second talk time, so more. Customer experience is too poor.

So, the first contact to display eye-catching, second to respect the customer.

五、無推廣(No promotion)

Enterprise website is only the first step, but it is a lot of companies so far, that the establishment of the site should have a flow, should have the customers.

In fact, it is the essence of Internet marketing. Search engine optimization, micro marketing, soft, advertising hype, these should all have a try. If customers do not know you this site, ask him how to place an order?

To make a long story short is actually a word, give customers a reason to choose you. To do this, the enterprise website is not done.


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